Friday, May 17, 2024

Alcazar, the little Alhambra...

Spain, Spain, Spain: the wonderful country of tapas, culture, history and bulls fights. I have so much to say about Portugal’s neighbour, but let’s focus on Seville, more precisely on the Alcazar. The Alcazar is an old palace with a huge garden that attracts a lot of tourists. After seeing the Alhambra, it’s easy to say that the Alcazar is not such a wonderful place, because its history is not that incredible, the people who used to live there are no longer that famous and there are too many tourists. But if you just focus on what you can see there, you will discover a lot of details hidden on the walls, written in Arabic or in Spanish, a wide diversity of plants, flowers and even animals because two families of peacocks and a lot of ducks and birds live there.

You will be surprised by how silent the place is; though you are in the middle of town, you don’t hear a single car. Also surprising: the garden seems much bigger inside than seen from outside.

If one day you go to Seville, I recommend you go to the Alhambra first, and, if you have the time and money, go next to the Alcazar. Going there is like having a break during the day; it really gives you back some energy.

Eloïse Combronde

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