Saturday, April 12, 2014

To Eire is human!

Our teachers and their friendly guest house lady in Bray

Near the top of Diamond Hill



View from Galway Bay of the Twelve Bens

Rossaveal harbour

Gardens in front of tenement buildings, Dublin

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What's it like running a music workshop for autistic teenagers? / Compte rendu de notre travail d'animateur d'un atelier musical pour jeunes autistes

Lucile & Gautier, for their section européenne project in Première, volunteered to work in the “DIL” (a class for teenagers with autism) at Lycée Sainte-Marie. Here, they write about World Autism Awareness Day and about their experience...

Jean and his tuba (Gautier listening)

The seventh United Nations World Autism Awareness Day took place on 2nd April last. The idea is to raise funds, to encourage scientific research in, and to educate people about, autism.

The “LIGHT IT UP BLUE” campaign is the most spectacular activity of WAAD; the idea is to light up famous monuments in blue all over the world during April in order to “shine a light on autism”.

Gautier and his accordion (Jean listening)

Autism is a congenital disorder affecting brain development and functions, especially the areas related to socialization. This disorder is characterized, in varying degrees, by repetitive behavior and by huge difficulties in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication. About one person out of every 150 has some form of autism. There are probably about 45 million autistic people in the world, but what causes autism is still largely unknown...

The forms autism takes is vary varied; two autistic people don’t necessarily have all the same symptoms, and can be so different from each other that people will never guess that they are affected by the same problem. In fact, some autistic people are not even able to read whereas someone like Kim Peek, the person that inspired the main character in the film Rain Man, is able to read two different pages from a book at the same time!

What all autistic people do have in common is trouble with social interaction, though to varying degrees. Some autistic people are not able to understand the facial expressions people use to express feelings. Others seem to find it impossible to understand other people’s feelings generally, even the simplest ones.

Lucile and Maurane having a laugh!

Autistic people often have “strange” habits or obsessions. For example, Linda, the autistic character in the realistic film “Snow Cake”, can’t bear the idea of anyone going into her kitchen; she asks her friend to put out the trash (but the trash can is in the kitchen) and doesn’t understand why her friend wants to go into the kitchen even though she told him strictly not to do so! A great number of autistic people don’t understand idioms (irony) or metaphors; they understand things only at face value. The film illustrates this quite well.

Personally, we have found working with autistic people a very rewarding experience. We are both musicians, so we suggested to the DIL we ran a music workshop. We show the pupils the different musical styles and instruments, and the basics of rhythm.

Gautier and Gautier

The greatest difficulties we have encountered is that our class is made up of people that are very different from each other (with various degrees of autism). Each one has his own abilities and difficulties, so when we are teaching, we must each have our role, one asking pretty difficult questions with the ones who have the lesser difficulties, the other managing the rest of the class by making them practice adapted exercises; we have to adapt our questions and activity to each pupil. As a result, we have to find new ways to teach, and we have to find enough ways to teach, to be understood by each one of the pupils. For example, to teach rhythm, we have tried drawing a schematic representation of rhythm, counting out aloud beats with onomatopoeia instead of numbers, also giving the beat by counting on our fingers, banging on the table to insist on the stronger beats, etc. We still have to find new teaching means each time we begin studying a new rhythm!

This teaching experience has enabled us to get to know the pupils as individuals. We now realize that this class is much like a normal class: there is the funny one, the two girls always chatting about their favorite singer, the one who always knows the answer to everything. There a little conflicts too, just like in a normal class.

This experience has obviously made us much more aware of what autism actually is; We have had to be really inventive to try and find new teaching methods, and we are really interested now in trying to understand autism better and in finding ways of dealing with it.

Our most exciting moment came when a boy, who became a pupil of the DIL at the start of the school year, began to speak during one of our lessons; he had, up to that point, more or less refused to speak a word at school. He is now much more talkative in class!

Gautier and Pierre

La septième journée de l’O.N.U de sensibilisation à l’autisme dans le monde a eu lieu le 2 Avril dernier. L’idée est de collecter des fonds afin d’encourager les recherches scientifiques et de faire comprendre aux gens ce qu’est vraiment l’autisme.

La campagne «  illuminer de bleu » est le projet le plus spectaculaire de cette journée ; l’idée est d’éclairer en bleu les monuments célèbres dans le monde durant la nuit de 2 avril pour « attirer la lumière» sur l’autisme.

L’autisme est un trouble congénital affectant le développement et le fonctionnement du cerveau, et plus particulièrement les aires relatives à la socialisation. Ce trouble est caractérisé, à divers degrés, par des comportements répétitifs et par de très importantes difficultés dans l’interaction sociale et la communication verbale comme non verbale. Environ 1 personne sur 150 est atteint d’une forme d’autisme. Il y a probablement environ 45 millions de personnes autistes dans le monde, mais les causes de l’autisme sont encore largement inconnues…

Les formes que peut prendre l’autisme sont très variées ; deux personnes autistes n’auront pas nécessairement les mêmes symptômes, et peuvent être si différents l’une de l’autre que les gens ne devineraient jamais que ces deux personnes sont atteintes du même problème. En effet, certaines personnes autistes ne sont pas capables de lire alors que quelqu’un comme Kim Peek, la personne qui a inspiré le personnage principal du film Rain Man, est capable de lire deux pagesde deux livres  différents en même temps !

Ce que toutes les personnes autistes ont en commun, c’est leurs énormes difficultés  dans l’interaction sociale, bien que cela s’exprime à divers degrés. Certaines personnes ne sont pas en mesure de comprendre les expressions faciales que les gens utilisent pour monter leurs émotions. Pour d’autres autistes, il est impossible de comprendre les sentiments des autres en général, même les plus simples.

Les personnes autistes ont souvent des habitudes « étranges » ou des obsessions. Par exemple, Linda, le personnage autiste du film Snow Cake, ne peut pas supporter l’idée que quelqu’un entre dans sa cuisine ; cependant elle demande à son ami de sortir la poubelle qui se trouve dans la cuisine, et ne comprend pas pourquoi celui-ci veut aller dans la cuisine alors qu’elle le lui avait strictement interdit ! Un grand nombre de personnes autistes ne comprennent pas les expressions, les métaphores ou l’ironie : ils comprennent les choses qu’à leur valeur nominale, au pied de la lettre. Le film illustre très bien cela.

Personnellement nous trouvons que le projet que nous menons avec les élèves autistes du lycée est une expérience très enrichissante. Nous sommes tous les deux musiciens, donc nous avons proposé aux éducateurs de créer un atelier musique avec les élèves. Nous leur avons montré les différents styles musicaux, les grandes familles instrumentales et les bases du rythme.

La plus grosse difficulté que nous avons rencontrée est le fait que la classe est composée de personnes très différentes les unes des autres (avec des formes diverses d’autisme). Chacun a ses capacités et ses difficultés propres, donc lorsque nous leur apprenons des choses, nous devons chacun avoir notre rôle, l’un posant des questions assez difficiles à ceux qui ont le moins de difficultés pendant que l’autre s’occupe du reste de la classe en leur faisant faire des exercices adaptés ; nous devons adapter les questions et les activités pour chaque élève.  Par conséquent, nous devons sans cesse trouver des nouvelles méthodes pour enseigner et nous devons trouver suffisamment de pédagogies pour être compris de chaque élève. Par exemple, pour leur apprendre le rythme, nous avons essayé de dessiner une représentation schématique du rythme, compter les temps à voix haute normalement ou avec onomatopées au lieu des chiffres, nous avons aussi essayé de compter sur nos doigts pour obtenir le bon rythme, de taper sur la table pour insister sur les temps forts, etc … Nous devons toujours trouver de nouvelles solutions pour enseigner à chaque fois que nous commençons à étudier à nouveau rythme !

Cette expérience d’enseignement nous a permis de connaître les élèves individuellement. Nous réalisons maintenant que cette classe est un peu comme une classe normale finalement : il y a le petit rigolo, les deux filles qui parlent toujours de leur chanteur préféré, celui qui a toujours la réponse à tout. Il y a aussi des petits conflits, juste comme une classe normale.

Cette expérience nous a évidemment fait prendre conscience de ce qu’était vraiment l’autisme. Nous avons dû être très inventifs pour trouver et essayer de nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement, et nous nous intéressons maintenant beaucoup plus à essayer de mieux comprendre l’autisme et à trouver des moyens pour y faire face.

L’une de nos plus grandes fierté est qu’un garçon arrivé dans la classe autiste du lycée au début de l’année scolaire, a commencé a parlé durant l’une de nos leçons : il avait jusqu’alors plus ou moins refusé de dire un mot à l’école. Il est maintenant bien plus bavard en classe !

Article written by Gauthier & Lucile, April 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

How well do you know the Emerald Isle? Get all the answers right and you win a HUGE PRIZE on the bus to Lyon airport on Sunday!

IRELAND + Northern Ireland

A. Ireland is:
  1. A country
  2. An island
  3. A region of Great Britain

B. The Irish name for the Republic of Ireland is:
  1. Eire
  2. Ulster
  3. Jill

C. Northern Ireland is also called:
  1. Eire
  2. Names
  3. Ulster

D. The capital of the Republic of Ireland is:
  1. Dublin
  2. Berlin
  3. Londonderry

E. Which of these landscapes is Irish?
  1. Cliffs of Mother                   
  2. Cliffs of Moher
  3. Cliffs of Mohair

F. Ireland’s total population is:
  1. 5 million
  2. 15 million
  3. 50 million

G. What is the emblem of Ireland?
  1. The shamrock
  2. The ayresrock
  3. The skyrock

H. The majority of the Irish population is:
  1. Catholic
  2. Atheist
  3. Protestant

I. The climate of Ireland:
  1. Oceanic
  2. Irrelevant
  3. Continental 

J. Who is the Patron Saint of Ireland?
  1. Saint Patrick
  2. Saint Brendan
  3. Saint Seamus

K. Ireland has often been dominated by:
  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales

L. In the 19th century, the population declined because of:
  1. Starvation
  2. Emigration
  3. Civil war

M. Which President of the USA had Irish origins?
  1. Ronald Reagan
  2. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  3. Bill Clinton

N. Ireland joined the UE in:
  1. 1948
  2. 1973
  3. 1982

O. Which French President fled to Ireland?
  1. François Mitterrand
  2. Charles de Gaulle  
  3. Jacques Chirac

P. Which writer was Irish?
  1. Jonathan Swift
  2. Oscar Wilde
  3. Samuel Beckett

Q. Which of these groups are Irish?

R. The rugby players of the Irish national team wear:
  1. Black
  2. Red
  3. Green

S. What is “hurling”?
  1. A ball game which uses a stick
  2. The nickname of the National Theatre in Dublin
  3. A street show using Guiness bottles

Friday, March 28, 2014

Unexpectedly delightful!

La Compagnie de l'Imprévu theatre company came to Sainte Marie’s on 24th of January last. The troop is made up of three women and three men.

In the morning, they played Antigone by Anouilh for the Secondes and the Terminales. The Premieres attended La Cantatrice chauve by Ionesco in the afternoon.

La Cantatrice chauve, written in 1950, is typical of the Theatre of the Absurd. It is about the lack of communication between people in a society where nothing makes any sense, and the nature of the human condition is basically tragic…

We were all very surprised by the eccentric style of acting but everybody enjoyed it. The actors wore bathrobes, ate whipped cream and marshmallows… It was disconcerting but also very funny!

After the play, the actors took time to answer our questions about the play itself and about their lives as artists. They are passionate about their work, and it was most interesting to listen to them.

St Patrick's Day at Sainte-Marie

What is St Patrick’s Day? It’s a religious holiday on 17th March every year celebrating the patron saint of Ireland. It’s now an international party, particularly in the USA where there is a huge Irish community. People dress up in green and have parties in the streets, drink beer, and even go to church!

Our DNL team decided to organize a St Patrick’s Day at Sainte-Marie! The idea was to put on a pot-pourri of Irish plays, poems, dance and music in the Salle Polyvalente… Unfortunately, the day did not go as planned, for lack of rehearsals, but some of us did manage to have a good time anyway. Many teachers, plus the Headmaster and Head of the Collège, came along which was very nice of them.

The best moments were the poems and the pieces of flute music (thank you to the Music teacher!). The Irish dance did not “happen” at 1 o’clock as most of the boys chickened-out! There was a shy attempt at dancing again at tea time… It was fun even if rather short!

We made 200 muffins and managed to sell quite a few over two days. They were really delicious and we raised 50€ to buy a present for the school we will visit on our trip to Ireland (6th to 11th of April).

Even if not too many people took part, and it was not the success we were hoping for, at least some pupils were really motivated and full of energy... Let’s hope next year we will be better organized and there will be more enthusiasm! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Read this!

What's next?

For Sainte-Marie’s pupils, January was an important month for post-Bac orientation...

First, with the careers forum called “Meet your future job!” on the 10th of January. Many representatives of firms came to our school to talk about their studies and their work experience… They were very friendly and helpful. There was a great atmosphere, and pupils were very receptive and interested in finding a job that they might like.

There were several job sectors represented: research and development, health, the arts, media, sport and tourism, law, education, social work, commerce and banking.

We, the budding reporters from The duck, spent some time in discussion with a TF1 correspondent. We learnt that you must be very motivated, love writing, enjoy meeting lots of people, and be prepared to travel. To become a journalist you have to go to journalist school. We still have some way to go before becoming star reporters!

The other job-related event was a visit to Info Sup, a regional exhibition on professions and post-Bac studies organized in Polydome in Clermont-Ferrand, from the 23rd to the 25th January.

A bus took us to Info Sup on Thursday 23rd. All the pupils found it very interesting. All the study areas were on show. At first we were a little lost; so as not to waste time, we got ourselves organized: we worked out who we each wanted to talk to and where we had to go.

All the Auvergne universities were present of course to promote their courses, but also present were, among others, the important colleges in medicine and the arts. Even the Army was there trying to recruit future officers.

It was a great day. We found a lot of information which we will now study in greater detail…

So, how do YOU see your future!?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

VIPs come to Sainte-Marie's!

Three rugbymen came to Sainte-Marie on Wednesday 29th January, invited by three pupils from 3G for their radio project in English class. Their names are Uwa, Edward and George.

Ed and George come from Leicester in England; they play for the Leicester Rugby Club.

Uwa comes from Fidji and he plays for the ASM. Sometimes, for matches, he plays with the pros.

But there are a difference between Ed and Geoge and Uwa: Ed and George play rugby more like a hobby but Uwa sees rugby as his job.

They are very kind and friendly with a lot of humour. Thanks a lot, guys, for coming to Sainte-Marie! Keep in touch!

Article by Eva Sciauvaud.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cry Freedom!

Last week, in English class, we watched a film called Cry Freedom. It’s an English film by Richard Attenborough set in Kenya and England. It is about the journalist Donald Woods’ investigation into Steve Biko’s murder.

Our teacher chose this film because of the death of Mandela (on the 5th of December 2013). Steve Biko, like Mandela, fought against apartheid.

Biko was a Black South African and a leading figure of the anti-apartheid struggle. The story takes place in South Africa just before the Soweto massacre which was a youth protest against the teaching in the Afrikaans language.

The police killed many young people and extracts of a documentary of the massacre can be seen at the end of the film. Donald Woods is a white journalist who met Steve Biko. This meeting opened his eyes to the real situation of the Blacks living in violence, poverty and segregation. After the murder of Biko, Woods tried to publish the real causes of the murder but he was censored. He and his family had to leave the country to ensure their safety and to be able to publish his book.

We loved this film because it’s very realistic and pays tribute to the people who fought apartheid.