Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Marist attack!

On Friday 15th of November, we met all the Headmasters of the French Marist schools. They came from Toulon, Paris, etc. They meet up every two years in a different Marist institution. This year, it was the turn of Sainte-Marie...

We talked to three of the Headmasters, including Mr Philippe Chodorge, the Headmaster of Sainte-Marie from 1999 to 2006 (he is now at Saint-Vincent in Senlis).

This day was their “discovery day”.

They went first to see the “DIL” and they found it very innovative.

Then they went to a meeting in a classroom where Mrs. Messager and three pupils explained the system of academic families and they asked lots of questions about the origins of the names of the families and how we can win points.

There were other presentations during the morning including one by our favorite DNL teacher about the international Workshop, and also a great video about the 2013 Sportsday by Guillaume Robert (in TS).

Finally, they went to a meeting in the CDI, where they discovered different projects like the literary award, the readers’ week, and the reading space where authors come to talk to the pupils. Mrs. Mouton, the librarian, also introduced the project on the Middle Ages, and the collection of letters from WWI.

The Headteachers told us that our school had nice architecture, beautiful projects, and friendly people. We found them very nice too!

B&M interview the organizers of the fabulous Sainte-Marie Thanksgiving Day!

B&M: First, how long did it take to prepare the Thanksgiving Day?
The boys: It took exactly three months, working one hour each week in DNL class. But that was not enough, so, to prepare this big event, we also spent time working together at home.
B&M: Are you proud of your organization?
The boys: Yes very, everything went well. Our objective was reached; there was a smile on all the faces of the pupils, so we are very happy.
B&M: Your best moment of the day?
The boys: It’s when we dressed up and everybody discovered our disguised selves; they love it and were very surprised! Playing with the smaller kids at midday was also great fun, when we put the music on and everybody danced… The atmosphere was crazy!
B&M: And your worst moment?
The boys: When the day was finished and we had to tidy up even if it was also cool because we were with our friends.
B&M: Which was the class you thought took part best?
The boys: The Terms because they were invested, had great fun while listening to us, not like the Secondes (laughter)!
B&M: What do you think of the two professional basketball players?
The boys: They were very friendly, spoke to everyone and took part enthusiastically, doing demonstrations and answering questions. Also, they offered us tickets for their match on the following Saturday (which was fantastic)!
B&M: Did everything go smoothly?
The boys: Yeah, there was, miraculously, no disagreement between us!
B&M: Did you receive help from the teachers?
The boys: Yes, indeed, they were very helpful and supportive.
B&M: If you were to do it all again, would you?
The boys: Yes, without a doubt… It was a superb experience!
B&M: Thanks guys for giving us such a fun Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's up? By Alexane the editor of The duck!

On Friday  15th November there was a power failure… Most of Riom went dark, but we carried on regardless (using our cell phone lights!).

Many pupils had to change classrooms last week. This is because the Headmaster has decided to change the windows of the Lycée. The classes will be much warmer this winter!

The girls' toilets are being renovated too.

There will soon be an exhibition of photos by pupils in première.

Thanksgiving is on Novembre 28th!

The 9th of December is Sainte-Marie day! We will keep you posted about the workshops, etc. being organized that day…

Thursday 28th November: THANKSGIVING at Sainte-Marie!

The ten pupils now in première section euro at Sainte-Marie who went to the US last summer so enjoyed their trip that they have decided to share their experience with you! They have chosen to share an important American tradition: Thanksgiving. You may be familiar with it, but the boys want to do things a bit differently…

1620: the Pilgrim Fathers came from Southhampton in England aboard the Mayflower and settled in what became Plymouth. But life in the colony was very difficult and many died. Squanto, an Indian, gave them food. In 1621, Bradford, one of the leaders, decreed three days of “thanksgiving” to celebrate the first good crop by the sharing of a meal. Since then, this tradition has been celebrated each fourth Thursday of November in the USA.

Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Thursday 28th of November in Sainte-Marie, just like in the USA.

There will be a typical Thanksgiving meal of stuffed turkey with sweet potato mash, followed by a delicious donut (because we know you love ‘em!).

The afternoon will be fun: you will be able to discover three typical American sports: basketball, baseball and dodgeball. Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players who take turns batting and fielding. Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw large balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves; Basketball  is a sport played by two teams and the objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop.

Maybe you are unfamiliar with these sports and their rules seem to be complex, but the guys are reassuring : “We want everybody to participate, our objective is for you to have a lot of fun and you share good moments with your friends. We have got everything ready : there will be two speakers to blast out comments and music, and two referees disguised as… oh but that’s a surprise!” The work has been long and painstaking, butthat’s the price to pay so that YOU can have a great time!

One last thing: there will be two star guests coming for lunch! We are sure you will spot them very easily… If you want to know more about their careers, you can come to listen to the live interview in the Mars room at 13:00! Article by Bérénice and Margaux!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Geek Fest!

"From the infinitely large to the infinitely small" was the theme of the Fête de la Science 2013, which took place from 9th to 13th October. It was an amazing journey from the confines of the universe to the tiny quarks…

In the morning we listened to a short conference on Medical Resonance Imaging and it was most interesting (it found a real echo in the audience…). Then we listened to a conference about crystals which was very complicated indeed (we could have used a crystal ball…). Then, once outside, we met two robotics engineers; they explained that they had made their robot especially for the army (very reassuring…).

We had lunch in the cafeteria where there was a multitude of students (will we really end up like them?!). Afterwards, the teachers gave us some free time to visit the campus. It has many buildings: Mathematics, Physics, Robotics, Chemistry, Science and Technology, etc. Take your pick for next year!

At the end of the day, we listened to short lectures on topics such as computer coding (puzzling), the tidal phenomenon (we were bowled over), and the effect of electromagnetic waves on pregnant women (monstrous…).

Then, and this was the most interesting event of the day, we took part in an experiment with some students on bacteria in the Biology labs; we saw bacteria crawling on our hands… it was awful!

Before leaving the Cézeaux campus, we attended a final conference, this time on bone prostheses (back-breakingly boring for some).

The day was exciting, all-in-all. Thanks to Mr. Hebrard, Mrs Romain and Mr Chaput, and all the staff of the University for this major event!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Emilie says her WWOOFing work experience was wonderful!

Emilie is twenty years old. She studied at Sainte-Marie and is now studying to be an engineer. At the end of her first year of university, she had to find work experience abroad during the summer. She chose to go WWOOFing!

“WWOOF” means “worldwide opportunities on organic farms” and wwoofing consists in volunteering on organic farms. She wanted to improve her English and do something useful and perhaps good fun. First, she had to fill in a request form on the WWOOF website and send a motivation letter. She found a job in two farms in the UK.

The first family who welcomed her paid for Emilie’s needs (work clothes, food, etc.). In exchange, she had to help the family to work the farm. But she wasn’t the only volunteer. She met a Swedish girls aged 20 like her, and a Canadian woman who was thirty years older. She worked with them and they ate their meals together. The farmers were vegetarian or vegan.

On the second farm, she met several other interesting people and tried other farm activities.

She really enjoyed her summer job and she recommends this experience to anybody who wants to learn English in a fun way and meet nice people.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


This week, during a Spanish lesson, we watched a fantastic and very dramatic horror movie: The Orphanage by Juan Antonio Bayona.

The main characters are played by Belen Rueda in the role of Laura, the mother of Simon. Simon is played by Roger Prinap. This film was made in 2008.

Laura, as a child, was sent to an orphanage. As an adult, she returns there with her son and husband. But this mysterious orphanage hides a dark secret…

Her son starts to play strange games with an imaginary friend called Thomas. Her son then disappears. The goal of Laura will be to find Simon. She lets herself be sucked in to Simon’s universe and starts to believe the supernatural events she sees. She will follow the series of clues the imaginary children leave for her. This hunt will allow her to find Simon and to discover the secret of the orphanage. I will not tell you the end of the film, though…

This film is really fabulous. It shows a mother’s love for her son so well. People who like supernatural events and suspense will really enjoy this film. Rent, borrow or steal the DVD now!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TERM talks... at Lycée Sainte-Marie

Thursday 28th November 2013 
at 17:30

In the teachers’ library

There will be five talks, given by section euro pupils in Terminale year,
on various subjects, each talk lasting ten minutes.

- Tea & cakes will be served from 5 o’clock -

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A feud of the Families?

The first ever SPORTS DAY of Lycée Sainte-Marie took place on the 27th of September 2013. The face-off was between the four families...

There were four events: the 8 X 100 m relay, the 2 X 400 m relay, the tug o'war, and the penalty shootouts.

Here's the final score:

Odradek 25,000 points
Garouda 19,000 points
Kerrrabil 18,000 points
Balibur 18,000 points

The noisy supporters gathered at Emile-Pons stadium went crazy for their teams! Also the weather was hot and sunny (we had to drink a lot of water). There was music and dancing, and a tasty tea was served by the parents.

Each family has a captain. Each captain is in Terminale (final year of High School). They played their role very well and were very happy and proud of their family teams.

Thank you to all the teachers and parents who helped organize this great day!

Monday, September 16, 2013

European Heritage Days on 14th and 15th of September 2013... What did YOU discover?! The pupils in 3G have imagined "instant stories" for some of the photos below...

A few photos of Marsat by Peter, the Euro teacher... What do you think?

Clément's instant story: One day, my uncle was on the top of this tower. The weather was very sad and it was raining a little bit. Suddenly the tower was struck by lightning and my uncle fell. But he was lucky and wasn't injured. So he erected this cross to thank God.

Walk through this door to visit the beautiful garden of a very special manor house. Two very friendly ghosts haunt the manor house, which they take care of impeccably. The county is full of ghosts...